Welcome to the Marqueeleon The marquee that can transform itself into any building imaginable... Below you will find a brief introduction into this new concept by Innovations Xtreme. A Brand New Product available now: Marqueeleon the World's very first totally transformable Marquee Due to our high demand from our customers for Inflatable Pubs, Inflatable coffee shops and Inflatable Houses, not to mention every other kind of building or business that they would want to recreate. All available from the one base unit. If you go here we can explain how we gained the knowledge and success of this system: The frame you see on that page has been produced for a anti-tobacco campaign which is on tour to 36 different countries world wide, A cube that is big enough to park a lorry in, As tests on its wind capacity, strength and setup ability our outstanding. As a company we have had many requests for many different types of buildings. Now just to give you an idea for the base frame design for the strength, we are using certain characteristics from that cube design to create the base shape with 2 openings and a apex roof. The construction has the ability to incorporate full side walls that can be Full colour printed that can be also changed to suit the desired look of the building. taking the existing design from the, for an example. What we mean to say is you can take a digital photo of an existing building front and sides and back if necessary, and have that exact image in full picture quality and produce it for your building bringing the Marquee building to real life with the added possiblilities of 3 dimensional extras which you can add to your base system i.e. Chimneys, Main Door, Internal Bar etc. A better price with even more WOW factor, Roof is sealed so dry inside. Setup time: 1 and half hours. After time 1 hour. plus you could later add another scene perhaps a coffee shop or a butchers meat stall for exhibitions. Remember because you have purchased the base system you can change the image anytime you want also make it available to other people to rent. Outside measurements: 11m x 10.5m x 5m x 1.60m thickness, and inside? = 80 m2 space available inside.
If you are interested in being one of the first to own one of these new transformable Marquees contact us now. |